Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Multi-Frame video

New hard drive- check
A video finally finished- check
Mashup coming soon!

For this video, all of the still images were found on either the first or second page of a google image search for those terms. The standard moderate safe search was on.

Disclaimer: This video explores the portrayal of women in media, so understandably, there are some explicit images in it. Please watch at your discretion.

Woman from Anna Gustafson on Vimeo.


  1. I really liked how this turned out. Adding the music really helped push the message. I liked the combination of the still images and video clips. When using still images it can become a bit repetitive, but by changing the framing and the types of clips you really avoid that. My only critique would be to possibly slow it down a bit. A few images move a bit fast. Other than that Nice Job!

  2. That was awesome. I like the inclusion of the Happy /= object part. Pacing keeps it interesting and transitioning to single channel when you did had the right effect. I kind of wanted more. But then again, i don't know what else you could have found. It's kind of sweet blogger prompted me to agree to view your content though. Ha!

  3. Anna, this is great! I love the editing to the music, and the content is pretty eye-opening. I love your titles and end title card. And right when I felt the video was getting a touch too long, the 'happy woman' part blew me away. I loved it. Great message.

  4. Anna, cool video. I like how it developed. Good message. Your project was held together well by a strong theme. Only one criticism. I know one person said they liked the happy =/ not object...but I think you can do without it. I got the message without you saying that so I don't think it is necessary. Other than that, very effective piece :)

  5. Yeah I was wondering about that last bit. I like it, but wasn't sure if it was too overt/spoon-fed.

  6. i love this, it should be shown in a gender studies class. and i agree with brian, i don't think you need the happy /= object.

  7. Amazing quality of production and ideas being published by this class. And this, Anna, is no exception. Fantastically done.

  8. As a dad to two little girls growing up in this effed up culture... well it's a poignant reminder to do all I can to love those two souls into truly happy and strong young women. A great idea well executed Anna!
